Brad Wood

Over the years I have worn many hats.

The ones that are most relevant to who I am today started with my passion for martial arts. I have trained in many styles, however my 2 main arts I rose up through the ranks in are Tang Soo Do, and Aikido. Two very different styles, and I love them both.  My experience with Tang Soo Do was amazing and through this art I realized I knew how to hurt people if needed, so I decided if I knew how to hurt people I should also know how to heal people. It was then that my next journey began. I found a little school in Seal Beach, CA that taught Japanese Physical Healing arts. I studied there for a couple years and learned Japanese Traditional Shiatsu, Acupressure, methods of diagnosis through reading the tongue and pulse, Eastern Therapeutic Massage and delved into Aroma Therapy, Herbology and Reiki.

As my life changed for the better, it also changed for the worse, in that I didn’t have time to do the things I loved that kept me healthy and fit. I began to gain weight and my confidence and self-worth began to diminish. I went from being healthy and fit at 160 pounds to 230 pounds of misery.

A dear friend introduced me to a well known self-development program that changed my life for the better. I spent 4 years with them learning and actually had the opportunity to coach one of their 3-month long programs, twice. This is where I discovered my passion for coaching people and it was there that I met another person who changed my life significantly by restoring my healthy lifestyle. Over the course of 6 months, I dropped my excess weight and went from 230 pounds, to 150 pounds and have maintained that weight for 8 years. On my weight loss journey I re-discovered my passion for working out (weight lifting, HITT workouts, TRX and body weight workouts, etc.). With my new body, healthy eating habits and weight training I truly am in the best shape of my life. I am currently continuing my education in self-development and I have also become a Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

My journey began with Martial Arts and have journeyed down many different paths in healing the body, mind, and spirit which has brought me to where I am today. This journey has led me to my life’s passion of helping people to create a life they love!

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